Baggu Integrated Brand Campaign

Marketing Collateral, Print Design, Brand Campaign
ADVE 3026: Integrated Design Implementation & ADVE 3421: Content Marketing Strategy @

Founded in 2007 to redefine the humble shopping bag, Baggu is a fresh brand rooted in offbeat whimsy. I developed Why Not Wonder? as a brand campaign for my Integrated Design Implementation & Content Marketing Strategy courses at CCAD that explores how Baggu can promote everyday monotony like plastic shopping bags as mundane magic.

Deal with Baggage — Stationery Designs

If you own a bag, you probably put a few things in it. And if you’re like me, then your brain can only hold about two thoughts at any given moment. Stationery— notepads, sticky notes, journals, and other list-making paper goodies, go with bags like peanut butter and jelly. These stationery designs could live on Baggu’s main site as freebie printable pieces to encourage good habits and make simple home printers a catalyst for creativity.


Fruit Stand Vending Machine

Fresh, practical, and entirely inedible! These quasi-fruit stands would house the standard BAGGU bag for city roamers and “Oh shit, I left my tote bags at home!”-ers to be offered a handle any time they need it.


The Baggu Quarterly

Baggu notably “makes BAGGU products the BAGGU way”— and there’s no reason they can’t tell BAGGU stories the BAGGU way too. A quarterly print production can tap into endless varieties of stories and tales to highlight the Baggu community, company feats (or flops— audiences love vulnerability), and the global reach of the BAGGUs themselves. The concept below takes a more lyrical approach, staged as a short essay about the cross section of home and BAGGU— written by yours truly.


The Bag-Cast

Everyone’s doing it! A Baggu podcast is a form of content that taps right into the audience niche of busy makers, do-ers, and in-between-ers that would love to get more acquainted with everything behind-the-scenes-Baggu, alongside the brand’s perspective on social matters and their community.


Risograph Product Zine

Printed in Columbus, Ohio by Clatter Press.

Remember when getting an email felt magical? I don’t— I was born in 2000! (Sorry if that makes you feel old.) We’ve gotten to the point where getting paper mail suddenly feels more special, and sending a printed catalog of new seasonal products in lieu of another email slog is a great opportunity for Baggu to spark a little excitement in their demographic.


The Great Baggu Ice Cream Social

As a way to collect community and broadcast brand awareness, Baggu’s offbeat angle can translate to new beauty with community events and brand collaboration. Who doesn’t like ice cream?

A slew of print ads for the event could go up all over the location— staged here in Columbus, Ohio. Locals would do just about anything for a scoop of Jeni’s.


An intensely Baggu-inspired cone wrap. Screw sticky fingers!

Long Live Print!

Print marketing ephemera can take offbeat angles to push the brand’s personality and voice in a way that feels more like the artistry of their products than advertising.


Vinyl floor decals to invade on some grocery store spaces— back where it all began 15 years ago.


Object-portrait posters that speak to specific audience through all the things they might toss into their new BAGGU.


Brand Collaboration

This was *kinda* just for funsies, but it’s also just pretty plausible. Baggu’s audience would go nuts for a cool pattern an on Ikea product. Or maybe just me. I don’t mind being a little self-indulgent on this one.


Editorial Calendar

The overview below showcases how content like the items above could be applied to general themes over the course of a month. There’s never room for a dull moment with an whimsical brand like Baggu. (-:


Foundational Research, Ideation, & Concept Development

Well, you must be pretty into this project if I still have you all the way down here! Here’s a glimpse at how I got started with this project initially— how I developed this campaign’s voice in context with Baggu’s existing brand identity and all the ideas that poured from it.